Bonhôte André wrote:
Hi all!
I have a problem with invisible characters here. E.g. writing perl code, I use || quite often. I produce this character on my Swiss German keyboard using Option-7. Normally, I put a space after || to increase readability. There it happens that I keep the option key pressed while pressing the space key - and this apparently produces some invisible character. In any case, perl complains:
Unrecognized character \xC2 at /Users/abonhote/test2.pl line 5.
I have turned on "show invisibles", but the extra character doesn't show up. How can I avoid typing these characters?
Thanks in advance!
You can create a new snippet in the bundle editor and use the following options:
Save: Nothing Commands: echo -n " " Input: None Output: Insert as Text Activation: Key Equivalent
Then go to the field next to Key Equivalent and press option space, like you would when you type accidentally the wrong character.
Close the bundle editor and every time you would write this character a space should be inserted.
Hope this helps, Simon - -- + privacy is necessary + using http://gnupg.org + public key id: 0x6115F804EFB33229