I just built up a Command as BASH which calls a perl script via TM_BUNDLE_SUPPORT. The perl script is calling CocoaDialog via $ENV{'TM_SUPPORT_PATH'} and so forth.
Everything works fine.
Then I installed the same tmBundle at an other Mac. Same OS and TM version.
The funny thing now is that the perl script cannot call CocoaDialog via TM_SUPPORT_PATH because TM_SUPPORT_PATH is set to /Users/Bibiko/Library/Application Support/TextMate/Support.
I promise that I didn't set this variable to that path.
On the other hand I tried the bundle command 'Find In all Document' which is a ruby script. Here it works with the variable TM_SUPPORT_PATH. !!??!!
The only difference is that this ruby script is not written as a separate file.
Please, help is needed.
If I use the command 'Show all TM.*' the TM_SUPPORT_PATH is also set to this weird path.
Thanks in advance
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