I admit it: I have not really understood what changed in the subversion bundle, as I am getting bugs in two places:
* Log on a file produces:
No Match mhh, something with with the regex or svn must be wrong. this should never happen. last line: Geänderte Pfade: please bug-report.
* Blame on a file produces:
No Match mhh, something with with the regex or svn must be wrong. this should never happen. last line: 11 dekay 2006-01-21 21:07:26 +0100 (Sa, 21 Jan 2006) %!TEX root = ../ Doktorarbeit.tex please bug-report.
I suppose this is because of some parsing of the svn output that doesn't escape the contents of the output - and since Latex likes the use of % and \ this could cause problems?
* View revision… of a file produces an untitled document (it would be nice to have a complete filename with the revision in it?)