I like the new changes to the pdflatex command. However, for it to work on my system I had to go back to Apple's apache rather then the apache 2 WebServerXKit I installed. So I made a nominal change to the html path and include it here if anyone is interested:
# If PDF file is non-empty and apache is running, redirect. if [ -s ${tmp}.pdf ] && [[ $(ps -xca|grep httpd) ]]; then cp "$tmp.pdf" /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/web_kit_workaround.pdf chmod 666 /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/web_kit_workaround.pdf echo "<script>window.location='http://localhost/web_kit_workaround.pdf'</ script>" elif [ -s ${tmp}.pdf ]; then echo "<strong>Error: Apache not running (we can no longer redirect to file://localhost/...)</strong>" else echo "<strong>Error: PDF file not written to disk</strong>" fi
Otherwise, beta6 is working great in LaTeX