On Wednesday, March 23, 2005, at 04:17PM, H H hh@keensoft.com wrote:
I really like TextMate because its is not overly boated with features.
Be careful with the term "bloat", as it inspires religious fervor. Consider: Emacs includes a Tetris game and psychotherapist (albeit a poor one), among other things. Is Emacs "bloated"? Well it certainly increases the size of the download, but deleting eliza.el isn't likely to 1)radically speed that up or 2)make it perform better.
One man's bloat is another man's must-have feature.
For instance, the discussion on adding an SFTP client to it, is baffling -- I don't like TextWrangler because the program is trying to do everything for everybody -- even its preferences are too complicated for most users.
On the opposite side of the coin, think about the number of people who demand this feature. Just about every professional programmer's editor on Mac, Linux and Windows has it. This has become a bullet-point you *have* to add, no matter how nonsensical.
For my work I use Fugu to do my SFTP stuff, because it does a good job, it supports tunneling, which is something that an SFTP program should do. Leave the text editing work for TextMate, and let the focus stay there.
The point I'm trying to make here, is *your* work is not *my* work, and yet TextMate may be 100% applicable to *both* our jobs.
Or, phrased another way, "Software development is hard, let's go shopping."
If you're taking votes, though, my vote would be "no" on built-in S/FTP. Although "yes!" to a user-extensible plugin system for such gee-gaws, if you think the editor part is complete. :)