On Jan 17, 2010, at 1:33 PM, Alain Matthes wrote:
Le 17 janv. 2010 à 21:21, Alex Ross a écrit :
But I work normally with pdflatex and I need to change all these prefs after each compile with xelatex
With TexShop, I use %!TEX TS-program = xelatex-xdv2pdf How to get this with TM
Use the latex bundle at http://github.com/lasersox/latex.tmbundle.
With this bundle you can set TM_LATEX=xelatex and TM_LATEX_ARGS=-outputdriver=xdv2pdf (synctex is automatically used).
Hi Alex,
Yes works fine but I need to change the prefs of textmate instead to change the prefs of the bundle.
%!TEX TS-program = xelatex-xdv2pdf
Is more easy, no ?
I don't like very much line like %!TEX TS-program=xelatex-xdv2pdf I prefer if it's possible, to create a new command that sets TM_LATEX=xelatex and TM_LATEX_ARGS=-outputdriver=xdv2pdf for me ! Is it possible ?
You can just copy the command and set the variables at the top of the file.
Another option is to set the variables for your project, which is perhaps more appropriate.