Thanks for the tips, I just realized what it was. I followed this hint basically it forces the terminal to ask if you really want ta run a process, I got rid of it and it helped. To much security = bad functionality.
On Mar 17, 2006, at 22:09 , Allan Odgaard wrote:
On 17/3/2006, at 11:55, Andreas Wahlin wrote:
[...] So I thought maybe there was a problem with the path $TM_xxx variables (those are paths, mainly, right?)
These are environment variables set by TextMate. Unless the shell command which runs unset them or similar, no “external” stuff should affect them.
[...] neither plugin install nor showing of scope works. Any help?
Are those the only two commands which do not work?
As for Show Scope, it shows a tool tip, so if you call it from the menu, it might just go away as soon as it opens.
Try e.g. from a new document to type:
echo "$TM_SCOPE" # press ctrl-R to execute
And try the ctrl-shift P key equivalent.
For new threads USE THIS: (threading gets destroyed and the universe will collapse if you don't)