Running the macro, I get an error
interpreter failed: Exec format error
I imagine it is in the Perl #!/usr/bin/perl -X $i=1; $sel= $ENV{'TM_SELECTED_TEXT'}; $sel=~s/^c {0,}( {0,}//;$sel=~s/ {0,})$//; for(split(/ *, */,$sel)) {push(@out, "${".$i++.":$_}")} print "c(".join(", ",@out).")${".$i."}";
I suppose, perl is not in /usr/bin. Execute in the Terminal 'which perl' to figure out where perl is. But I would suggest to use the two macros SelectNextWord, SelectPrevWord in my today's mail 'Re: [TxMt] Re: TM Find Dialog Enhancement (?)'. These work better and they're overall functions.
The perl script only has the advantage that it reformats the c() vector.