On Jun 11, 2007, at 5:25 AM, Allan Odgaard wrote:
On 28. May 2007, at 18:56, Hendrik Fuß wrote:
natbib defines a set of cite commands that start with an uppercase C (e.g. \Citep), which are meant to be used at the start of sentences, especially if the author name starts with a lowercase letter (as in "von ....").
The current TextMate highlighting doesn't recognise these commands as citation commands. However, this is easily fixed by changing the first occurrence of "cite" to "[Cc]ite" in the language definition.
The fix seems to work fine, so I was wondering whether this should go into the main release.
This is the rule to handle citation commands: http:// pastie.textmate.org/69403
It also supports \footcite and various other prefixes. Would natbib also support \Footcite? or is it only for \cite«suffix»? and I presume it doesn’t do \footCite (which your proposed change would make valid).
I don't think the natbib package supports Footcite or footCite, but I don't see much harm in the syntax allowing footCite to be recognized, even though it doesn't have a particular meaning as such.
Haris Skiadas Department of Mathematics and Computer Science Hanover College