* Syntax highlighting for MT templates * Scope of MT container tags:, scope of MT variable tags: * Common MT 3.2 default templates provided as new file templates * A couple of snippets * A context-sensitive help command for MT tags
This is my first bundle, so I'm still learning, but I'm very impressed with what you can do with TextMate bundles. This is the kind of power I've been looking for in an editor. Feedback is most welcome.
A few questions:
- MT templates are usually HTML based templates, so I invoke the HTML bundle rules too-- however, some MT tags aren't syntax highlighted properly since they're really "embedded" in the HTML syntax. For example:
That's no problem. But this isn't processed right:
<tag attribute="<$MTTag$>">
The embedded mt tag is never seen. Is there a way to handle this without modifying the HTML bundle itself?
- When you create a new file using one of the supplied MT file templates, the syntax mode is left as HTML, not Movable Type. Is there a way to force the Movable Type syntax?
- I wish it were more obvious how to customize the colors for the MT tags. The user has to set these up manually. If TextMate were to scan for available scopes and at least list them as inactive in the color preferences tab, that would be phenomenal.
- What on earth is the key to use for the TextMate "Edit in TextMate" service? It looks like Command + A caret with a bar on top of it. What is that key? I also can't make out the key shown for Ruby's "embed string variable" snippet. Or the key to use for the "Web Searches" bundle.
Thanks! -Brad