On May 13, 2006, at 3:05 AM, Andreas Wahlin wrote:
These are the ones called (42) Balance Jr (Right hand) and not the Balance JR NEXT?
Right. In the latest release in svn I deleted the older ones.
Also, I'd like to report/nag that the add html attribute bug where caret is last in the tag is still present.
I rewrote the command, but it didn't really help. I added a snippet class="whatever" bound to the key equivalent "=". That's what I use when my cursor is in the right place already. But, you're right. I need to make it work there too. Consarnit! ;)
Also, I'd like to encourage as much javascript support as you can muster :) (I'm starting a new javascript-coding job on monday)
Yeah, I agree. I sometimes do weeks worth of work in nothing but JS. I hastily tacked on some javascript stuff into balance jr 2.0. I realized a bit after I had released it that it screwed a bunch of other stuff up. I've fiddled and fiddled with it. And I'm not convinced that there is no simple way to make a single Balance Jr that'll work in all languages. So, I'm going to make a separate set for each major set of languages. The current default one is good for XML-esque languages, as well as CSS. A curly bracketed version scoped properly will be my next release.
This is now your time to influence how i design that version. What do you want to be included in the Shemp Jr 1.0 release? What should be selected, and in what order?
I'm thinking: strings, round & curly brackets, js objects, comma delimited stuff, js functions & obvious variables. I'm not too sure about those last two. What do you guys think?
thomas Aylott—subtleGradient—oblivious@subtleGradient.com