On Jan 19, 2005, at 18:35, Ivar Åsell wrote:
I want "File-->Save" to be disabled when a file just has been opened or saved. [...]
There are situations where at least I want to save a non-modified file, for example to give it a new date stamp to trigger recompile of that file.
I don't want to save a file just to try out a different encoding. Many times per day I open files where my special swedish letters åäö is messed up because applications like SSE doesn't save the file properly for TM to understand which encoding it uses so it gets wrong all the time. I'd really really like to see "reinterpret this file with encoding: "
If I understand you correctly, that's what the “Re-open with Encoding” sub menu does.
A Document saved by SSE as ISO-Latin1 and open by TM is recognized as that encoding. But saving the file with TM now magically changes the file to UTF-8.
This appears to be a bug. If you go to Preferences / Advanced and set the encoding to ISO-8859-1 there (under Saving) it will use that instead when possible -- I'll look into it probably tomorrow.
And btw, please read http://www.useit.com/alertbox/980906.html about writing proper subjects!