Btw, the dimming of the file icon is primarily to indicate that it is not draggable, not to communicate the saved/unsaved state of the file. File-based document windows that show an icon allow you to command+click on the file to see the path to it and allow you to drag the icon off to move / alias / copy it.
For new, unsaved documents, the icon is dimmed to indicate that this feature is disabled because no physical file exists.
For changed, unsaved documents, it is disabled to prevent you from operating on the file. Because you might assume the file would have the changes currently represented in the open document, but they wouldn't, since you haven't saved them.
I've wondered if they might someday offer the ability to drag an unsaved file regardless, invoking a "save a copy" behavior upon dropping it someplace... but I'm not familiar enough with the interfaces at work here to know if that's even feasible or not.
On Feb 24, 2006, at 3:21 AM, Allan Odgaard wrote:
On 23/2/2006, at 15:33, Dr. Drang wrote:
I'd like to add a mild complaint about the way unsaved files are denoted in a window without tabs [...]
This should go to (yes, they accept constructive criticism there as well).
For the records, I dislike the faint dimming as well.
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