Allan wrote,
[...] but how do I run the script I'm looking at, with arguments? [...]
No way to do that, my reply form last time this came up http://
Perhaps I'm missing the point here (seems to be a habit these days), but how about mimicking things by pushing onto ARGV at the top of the script? That is, use something like
ARGV.concat(%w(/etc/file1 /Users/pmccann/file2))
For example: ======================================================================= #!/usr/bin/env ruby -w
ARGV.concat(%w(/etc/passwd /Users/pmccann/.zshrc)) # Stack 'em on...
# And now use ARGV as per usual...
ARGV.each do |file| str = IO.readlines(file) puts "\nThere are #{str.length} lines in #{file}" puts "Here are the first 5:" puts "#{str[0..4]}\n" end
That seems to run identically (under command-R) to what happens if I save the "unstacked" version into file.rb and use
./file.rb /etc/passwd /Users/pmccann/.zshrc
on the command line.
Regards, Paul