Andrew Jaffe <a.h.jaffe@...> writes:
Hi Alan,
On 05/03/2014 15:58, Allan Odgaard wrote:
On 5 Mar 2014, at 21:49, Andrew Jaffe wrote:
| Typeset & View (PDF):4: undefined method `+' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
I think it was working until 1-2 updates ago.
This will happen if you disable the Bundle Support bundle in Preferences → Bundles.
Thanks -- except that it's not disabled! However, if I found that if I did explicitly uninstall (i.e., uncheck in the dialog) and then reinstall (re-check), it works again. Weird.
I have the same problem, getting a "Failure running “Typeset & View (PDF)” when trying to compile the pdf. I unchecked and checked again the Bundle Support, as Andrew suggested, but it didn't work. Any other ideas? (Also I have upgraded to Yosemite beta which causes me problems with Skim… so that might be the reason.)
Grateful for any adivce, Thanks,