On Jul 14, 2007, at 3:00 PM, Brad Miller wrote:
What LaTeX command are you using to typeset your document? When I removed a \end{frame} from my own beamer file and ran it through I got a different error message, but in a format that I look for:
./Beamer/treeApps.tex:7: Argument of \frame has an extra }.
hi brad,
that's what i get when runnning latex from the command line (as expected, latex stops with the ?)
%-------------------------------------------------------- ! Extra }, or forgotten \endgroup. \endbeamer@frameslide ...amer@framepauses}\egroup \ifx \beamer@frametitle @... l.1738 \end{frame}
? %--------------------------------------------------------
the following is from the log file written when i press command+R in textmate (i get pdf-file):
%-------------------------------------------------------- ! Extra }, or forgotten \endgroup. \endbeamer@frameslide ...amer@framepauses}\egroup \ifx \beamer@frametitle @... l.1738 \end{frame}
? ! Emergency stop. \endbeamer@frameslide ...amer@framepauses}\egroup \ifx \beamer@frametitle @... l.1738 \end{frame} %--------------------------------------------------------
in case this is relevant: i load pstricks in the preamble.
if you want me to send you a minimal file, plase let me know.