On 28.04.2006, at 07:25, Allan Odgaard wrote:
On 27/4/2006, at 19:43, Marcus Ahnve wrote:
[...] Editing this mail in TM actually worked, but HTML-emails are whole different story. New mails does not seem to be a problem.
Well, it’s not supposed to work with HTML mails, seeing how TextMate is a plain text editor :)
Anyone though is free to add the ability. The source is here: http://anon:anon@macromates.com/svn/Bundles/trunk/Tools/Edit%20in% 20TextMate/
Hm, now that we have a somewhat working [Editable HML Preview][1] it could actually work. Though I'm not so sure about the MarkUp it produces. Must run a tidy over it in the least.
[1]: http://end.com/speth/2006/04/webmate-web-editing-for-textmate/