Object : TeX , Latex , theme and language
i have some problems with TeX , Latex and language
1) \newcommand*{\twoptoff}{\ifnum \catcode`:=13 \catcode`:=12
13 and 12 are not in the same color
2) When i use xkeyval package i 've the name of the macro like this :
\define@boolkey : define and @boolkey are not in the same color
3) \protected@edef@tempa @ in one color , tempa in the same color that edef
4) \def@@vertex#1{... @ in one color the second @vertex in an other color
5) i've an other question about completion with LaTeX. What is the good way for me if i want to complete easily newcounter, setcounter, newcommand, usepackage \define@boolkey etc .....