Because it came up yesterday and I already have the bad reputation to like Java, here it goes: A somewhat better Java Syntax than the included one:
Features: - Better colouring (due to the old syntax being outdated) - Goto Symbol popup working
Bugs: - Keep the closing parentheses and the opening brace ) { of a method declaration on the same line, otherwise the end pattern won't match - More to come soon ;)
{ scopeName = ''; comment = ' Credits to Brian Lalor, who wrote the Java syntax included in TM. I might have adapted some of his syntax. Soryu Comments: • I excluded overridden anonymous Constructors from "", so they won''t show up in the Goto Symbol popup to reduce clutter a little. '; fileTypes = ( 'java' ); foldingStartMarker = '/**|{\s*$'; foldingStopMarker = '**/|^\s*}'; patterns = ( { name = ''; begin = '//'; end = '$'; swallow = '\\s*\n'; }, { name = ''; begin = '/**'; end = '*/'; patterns = ( { match = '*\s*(@)(param)\s*([a-z][a-zA-Z0-9_]+)\s*'; captures = { 1 = { name = 'keyword.other.documentation.control'; }; 2 = { name = ''; }; 3 = { name = ''; }; }; }, { match = '*\s*(@)([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)\s*'; captures = { 1 = { name = ''; }; 2 = { name = ''; }; }; }, ); }, { name = ''; begin = '/*'; end = '*/'; }, { name = ''; match = '(package)\s+([^ ;]+?)\s*;'; captures = { 1 = { name = ''; }; 2 = { name = ''; }; }; }, { name = ''; match = '(import)\s+([^ ;]+?);'; captures = { 1 = { name = ''; }; 2 = { name = ''; }; }; }, { name = ''; match = '\b(?<=class|interface|enum)\s+(\w+)'; captures = { 1 = { name = ''; }; }; }, { name = ''; comment = 'TODO: implements has multiple Parameters, Extends does not'; match = '\b(?<=extends|implements)\s+(\w+)'; captures = { 1 = { name = ''; }; }; }, { name = ''; begin = '\b(?<!new)\s+(\w+)\s*('; end = ')\s*{'; captures = { 1 = { name = ''; }; }; patterns = ( { include = '#keywords'; } ); }, { name = ''; comment = 'stolen from c syntax without looking very much at it'; match = '\b((0(x|X)[0-9a-fA-F]*)|(([0-9]+.?[0-9]*)|(.[0-9]+))((e| E)(+|-)?[0-9]+)?)(L|l|UL|ul|u|U|F|f|ll|LL|ull|ULL)?\b'; }, { name = ''; match = '\b(if|else|while|for|return|continue|break|switch|do|goto| case|try|catch|finally|throw)\b'; }, { name = ''; match = '\b(int|char|float|long|double|boolean|byte|short)\b'; }, { name = ''; match = '(==|!=|<=|>=|<>|<|>)'; }, { name = ''; match = '(--|++)'; }, { name = ''; match = '(-|+|*|/|%)'; }, { name = ''; match = '(!|&&|||)'; }, { name = ''; match = '\b(private|public|protected|static|transient|final| abstract|native|threadsafe|synchronized|volatile|strictfp)\b'; }, { name = ''; match = '\b(class|interface|enum)\b'; }, { include = '#string-double-quoted'; }, { include = '#keywords'; }, ); repository = { keywords = { name = ''; match = '\b(new|abstract|assert|default|synchronized|private| protected|public|throws|enum|instanceof|transient|final|interface| static|void|null|class|finally|strictfp|volatile|const|native|import| package|extends|implements|this|super|true|false|if|else|while|for| return|continue|break|switch|do|goto|case|try|catch|finally|throw|int| char|float|long|double|boolean|byte|short)\b'; }; string-double-quoted = { name = ''; begin = '"'; end = '"'; patterns = ( { name = ''; match = '\.'; } ); }; }; }