On 20 Dec 2011, at 14:47, Emmanuel Blot wrote:
So what is the recommended way - if there's any - to work on something as simple as a small project that references system header files?
That is a very open-ended question.
I use ⇧⌘D on an #include/import statement to open the relevant header (used on another line, it pops up a dialog). This is for C/Objective-C/C++. The same key equivalent works in several other languages though.
For example, how to look for a function declaration from the source code?
I am unsure how having multiple folders in the file browser solves this. I tend to use ⌘E followed by ⇧⌘F + ↩ to find functions. My convention is to always declare functions with a space after the name, and invoke functions without such space, making it real easy to find one or the other type via search — a tip here for ⇧⌘F is that you can hit ⌘1-n for the n’th result.
But I got a feeling I’m talking about something completely different than you’re asking about.
If I understand it right, the proper browser window should be selected first before performing a search. This does not seem usable with more than a couple of windows, so I guess that I missed something obvious, didn't I?
Again, I’m not following you 100% here, but two things:
1. Define your project root, this is what ⇧⌘F defaults to. I sort of get the feeling you _are_ doing search in folder as I described above, but your issue is the wrong starting folder. 2. After hitting ⇧⌘F you can use ⌘⇡ to search “parent” of the currently selected folder. But defining the project directory of course is generally preferred.