On Feb 14, 2005, at 16:58, Tom Lazar wrote:
In jEdit I used a feature all the time that auto-indented my code blocks by pressng TAB. Is this available already, and if not, any plans for future releases?
[...] and related to this i'd like to see a function 'indent according to current mode' which would be extremely useful when editing code created by someone else/with another tool.
I'm assuming that jEdit is for Java.
I'd love to add the feature requested, but any idea on how I can 'indent to current mode' when TextMate is used for 20+ languages, and each language have like 5 different programming styles? ;)
There does however exist code beautifiers/pretty printers etc. which could probably be called from TextMate (e.g. on selected text). There's one included with OS X for C (called indent).
If anyone knows of (a working) one for [Objective-]C++, let me know! :)