On Jun 13, 2005, at 4:14 PM, Allan Odgaard wrote:
On Jun 13, 2005, at 12:04, Mats Persson wrote:
PS. Allan knows aobut this request, been around for roughly 6 months or so. It will happen when syntax stuff (?) is done. ( me thoughts, not Allan's promise)
Sorry to say that; yes, I know about the request, but no, it's not something I plan to implement.
I haven't figured out what the motivation is for full-screen mode when one can maximize the windows, and TM is already very low on window decorations, so the extra pixels gained from a real full-screen would be minimal.
I don't think I would personally use the full-screen mode, but I just want to relate this to watching a movie for instance. The difference in size is slight between a full-screen mode and a maximized window, but I find it very distracting to have the menu bar there while watching a movie. So maybe some people would enjoy having nothing else but their code on the screen, less distractions. Just being the devil's advocate here, as I said I personally don't see the need for this, but then again, I don't code that much. How would it work anyway? Would Cmd-` still cycle through windows? Would you be allowed to have one window full-screen but others normal sized, and possibly on top of it?