Le 17 mars 08 à 16:11, Hans-Joerg Bibiko a écrit :
SWeaving is a very nice workaround. But sometimes you only want to draw some simple things like
plot(x <- sort(rnorm(47)), type = "s", ylab="foo") points(x, cex = 1, col = "dark red")
or whatever.
Within a latex doc one could write it like this:
% plot(x <- sort(rnorm(47)), type = "s", ylab="foo") % points(x, cex = 1, col = "dark red")
to comment out the R code and to be able to redo it if needed.
Then select this R code, invoke R > Run Selection/Document in R (it should be rewritten to ignore the leading "% " if it's invoked out of a latex doc). You will get the plot shown as PDF inside of the Rmate window. Then simply drag and drop that plot to the latex doc after the R code which produced it. The latex bundle drag&drop (DD) command "Include Image" should be fine-tuned in such a way that if TM_DROPPED_FILEPATH begins with "file:///tmp/TM_R/ " it popups a dialog to enter a new name for this plot. The variable "filename" of the DD command will be reset to the new file name. The actual PDF stored in tmp/TM_R will be copied into the folder of the latex doc with the new name, and after it the DD command works as usual.
Of course, one could pass the name or path of the plot in beforehand like: %% name="figure1" % plot(x <- sort(rnorm(47)), type = "s", ylab="foo") % points(x, cex = 1, col = "dark red")
I do not know if this is worth to implement? [BTW Please note, I don't want to reinvent SWeave ;)] Any Comments?
Yes this idea is fine but I want something different because I have my personnal statistic package made with pgf/tikz and I want only some results from R.
The plots are built with my package.
example : a list of n numbers (e1;....;en) with R, I get min max , quantiles
and with my package I draw a Tukey Box. min Q1 med Q3 max \whbox{0.06,0.14,0.33,0.58,0.79}
Perhaps this is possible with your bundle
Best Regards