On Jan 4, 2005, at 21:39, Xavier Noria wrote:
Which language do you want to write it in?
In Perl or Python preferably. The XML solution via plutil looks like the easiest, but for curiosity how would you deal with the structure in memory without an intermediate XML file? If there was something in Cocoa to deal directly with that format maybe I could play a bit with PyObjC maybe.
There is, NSDictionary (which is a hash/associative array) can load its values using the dictionaryWithContentsOfFile: selector/method.
So in Objective-C that would be: id dict = [NSDictionary dictionaryWithContentsOfFile:syntaxFile];
And now dict is an associative array representing the contents of the syntaxFile. E.g. you'd access patterns, which is an array and each element is again a dictionary (which may have patterns again)...