On 31/10/2004, at 3:49 AM, Carl Forde wrote:
There already is a feature for this: when you move over a parens/brace/etc, the matching one lights up briefly. Although this could be improved as well. Right now, the hilighting only occurs when you move forward over the closing member of the pair (unless I'm missing a menu option somewhere), instead of either direction over either opening or closing members. BTW: Consider this a feature request, if it's not already an option, and a plea for guidance otherwise.
This feature is too "subtle" for me. I have great difficulty finding the matched character. I like the way S-E-E does it: a double click on a paren/brace/bracket selects the contents of the pair. This is very clear and potentially very useful if you want to relocate the text.
Second this vote -- double-clicking braces to highlight the contents is a great feature, and sorely missed so far in TM. Of course, the foldings actually alleviate the problem, but old habbits die hard!