Yvon Thoraval yvon_thoraval@mac.com wrote:
Hey all,
Bonsoir Yvon,
today i've discovered may be a prob with file encoding (???) over a .txt file.
my pref setup is tuned to UTF-8 and a text file edited by TextMate was MacOS Roman, something to avoid definitely...
In "TextMate->Preferences->Advanced" have you checked "Use for existing files as well" ?
then, using another text editor i've converted this file to UTF-8 and discovered again that after having edited this file with TextMate the file becomes again in MacOS Roman...
This could have been done in TextMate as well : "File->Re-Open with Encoding..." choose "Mac-Roman" Then "File->Save As..." and check "UTF-8"
the symtom is that TextEdit (also setup default to UTF-8) is unable to open the file.
did other get about the same prob ???
Is there a curse on your machine? ;-)