Ok, so I can generate something nice with a code like this (warning, not a python coder):
import codecs from pygments import highlight from pygments.lexers import TexLexer from pygments.formatters import HtmlFormatter fileObj = codecs.open("/Users/haris/Desktop/sign-diagram.tex", "r" , "utf8") code = fileObj.read() filecontent = highlight(code, TexLexer(), HtmlFormatter()) unicodefilecontent = unicode(filecontent) out = file( "/Users/haris/Desktop/sign-diagram.html", "w") out.write("<html><head><style>") out.write(HtmlFormatter().get_style_defs('.highlight')) out.write("</style></head><body>") out.write(unicodefilecontent) out.write("</body></html>") out.close()
Now, I assume you want to create some TextMate command that does something nice with it? What exactly would you want? I think we can probably accomplish it.