I can confirm that, but for another shortcut : "Indent Line". (2.0-alpha.9503/10.9.1 too, but the bug is there since a *lot* longer).
I've overridden the default shortcut of "Text->Indent Line" & "Text->Indent Selection" to ⌃I using System Preferences (both since the menu item name changes depending on context), and the default one (⌥⌘[) can't be done on a French keyboard ("[" is ⌥⇧(, which end up being the same than "Shift Left" (⌘[) just above.
The first time I open TM I have to click the Text menu so the shortcut registers, afterward it works fine, until I have to restart TM (for one reason or another, but thankfully that's not often).
Regards, Etienne Samson -- samson.etienne@gmail.com
Le 25 janv. 2014 à 22:20, Martin Pollow martin.pollow@web.de a écrit :
I found a strange behavior that I believe is a bug. I am using 2.0-alpha.9503 on OS 10.9.1.
First I redefined the keyboard shortcut for "Comment Line" in the system Preferences. This command is from the "Source" bundle and appears as alternative shortcut to the default ⌘/ in the bundle menu (I used ⌘- in order to avoid the rather clumsy command for german keyboard layout).
Right after that both shortcuts work fine. After closing and reopening TextMate, only the default shortcut ⌘/ works, the new shortcut is now ignored.
When I select Bundles -> Source -> Comments I can see that the commands are still set correctly. After that, both shortcuts work again, until I close TextMate and open it again: the new shortcut is ignored until the menu selecting Bundles -> Source -> Comments is opened up, after that it works till closing TextMate again.
I was struggling some time with this issue, without solution. Now after testing for writing this bug report, at least there is a simple workaround. But maybe it can be resolved. I also tried changing the Bundle "Source" itself, but that didn't do the trick either.
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