On 30. Oct 2006, at 17:23, Bill Bumgarner wrote:
Any chance this can wander into the subversion repository? I have a need for something exactly like this and the motivation to submit patches.
If Daniel is up for it, sure -- I think there is a lot of interest in this project.
Though the iTerm framework seems to be GPL, so we wouldn’t be able to include it with TextMate.
Also -- I grabbed the DMG and dropped the tmbundle/tmplugin into the right spots and:
It also fails for me, the plug-in itself is not loaded:
2006-10-30 18:03:46.232 TextMate[21714] *** -[NSBundle load]: Error loading code /Users/duff/Library/Application Support/TextMate/PlugIns/ TerminalMate.tmplugin/Contents/MacOS/TerminalMate for bundle /Users/ duff/Library/Application Support/TextMate/PlugIns/ TerminalMate.tmplugin, error code 4 (link edit error code 4, error number 0 (Library not loaded: @executable_path/../Frameworks/ Growl.framework/Versions/A/Growl Referenced from: /Users/duff/Library/Application Support/TextMate/ PlugIns/TerminalMate.tmplugin/Contents/MacOS/../Frameworks/ iTerm.framework/Versions/A/iTerm Reason: image not found))