In the first line of my .tex document I write: %!TEX TS-options = -output-dir='./output'
The effect is that all the output files, like .pdf, .aux, .log, etc goes to the directory /output . However, when I use the Latex Watch command, I get a .aux and a .pdf files on my current directory, and as a consequence, I can't have the features pdfsync(sync between the caret on .tex and the pdf) and latex watch (changing the .tex changes the .pdf,a kind of a live preview) on the same files. In the .pdf inside /output I get the pdf sync, and in the pdf created by the Latex Watch command, I have the "live preview" feature.
In sum, I would like both features on the same .pdf file inside the /output directory. How can I manage the Latex Watch to work on the /output directory instead of creating a new pdf on the current directory?
Best, S.V.
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