You should be able to do this fairly simply. Assuming you're working within a project, you should be able to set up a project specific environmental variable that contains the remote path relative to the project. Then it's just a matter of constructing your command in the bundle editor.
On 2/7/07, s.ross wrote:
I've hit on a development methodology where when I want to modify one file on a server quickly, I make the changes to my local copy, then scp it to the remote machine. That saves me the overhead and security problems of having an (S)FTP server running on my production box. Which brings me to the question:
Is there some really easy way to build a command (or is there one already built) that will scp a file to a server relative to its location in a project? For example, if my DocumentRoot on the server is /var/www/myfinewebsite and I want to modify a file like includes/ stupid_php_why_isnt_this_rails.php on my local machine, I'd like it to scp to
Is this something someone else has done? Any thoughts about this practice?
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