I just did a "git pull" and now it works with #relative#, too.
Your command is a lot faster than my AppleScript. I don't have mach experience with AppleScript and to make sure, that the file is opened, before I tell TextMate to Update it, I had to insert a 1 second-Delay each. So your fix made my hack obsolete.
Thank you!
OK, I think I fixed that. Thanks for catching that; I forgot to test #relative#.
So how does this compare to processing the tree of files with AppleScript? Gotta be a little faster, no?
On Sep 19, 2011, at 1:53 AM, Jan L?bke wrote:
Hi Brad,
I was too quick with my praise. Your script did not parse the #relative# argument correctly. If the file is in /subfolder/subsubfolder, the link to the main-page #relative#index.html should parse into ../../index.html but it turns into index.html