On Jul 3, 2007, at 2:53 PM, Brian Marick wrote:
How do you use TextMate on big screens?
The literal answer would be "The same way you do on small screens." ;-)
As for the actual problem you need to solve, the answer is "You dont. At least not now." As far as I know there's no built in keyboard commands that will track viewed files in multiple windows & allow switching. Multiple windows, in 1.x anyway seems to mean multiple documents or multiple projects and info isn't shared very well between them.
But TextMate, for most users, is adaptable to overcome things like that. ⌥⇧⌘↓ - For example is very good about jumping to the conventionally named files in a Rails app. Often times, its up to you to determine what your specific need is and arrange your workflow or create commands to follow suit. I might suggest opening your rails project in one window, and then opening your graffle/test directory in another project window. Your convention might be that tests are always on top, controller/model files are always below. So you know if you're trying to get to a test you just need to do a quick ⌘` to get to your 'tests' window and then ⌘T can do it's thing.
That said... I also would love a split view system of some type.
- Cliff