On Jul 19, 2006, at 10:45 AM, Eric D. Fields wrote:
Hi. I adore texmate to death but I'm trying to get more automation out of it. I know that there's a keyboard shortcut to close the last previously opened tag, but is it possible get TM to close all the tags on the current line you're working on? So i can be writing
<li><a><span> and with a keystroke or two get </span></a></li>.
I'll let someone else tackle that one. I've never found it to be a problem, since I generate all my tags via ctrl+< , hence they are always paired to begin with.
Also, I can't seem to find anything related to automatically wrapping text in html tags. E.g. selecting a few blocks of text and automatically wrapping them in <p> tags. BBedit has its nice HTML bar where you can do this kind of thing in a few clicks, but i've always found it a bit clunky
What about the "wrap selection in tag" command? (ctrl+shift+W) or the "wrap each selected line..."? If you want a more specialized behavior, you'll probably have to write your own command.
Thanks for any input.
-- eric