When writing Markdown, I like to use reference-style links:
[link text][id] . . <rest of text> . . [id]: http://www.site.com
I've written a snippet that does some of what I want:
[${1:description}][${2:id}]$0 [${2:id}]: ${3:href}
but it puts the reference on the line below the link rather than at the bottom of the file. Although I haven't done it, I suspect that writing a command that takes the link label line and puts it at the bottom of the file wouldn't be too difficult. But before I give it a try, I'd like to know if it's possible to combine the snippet and the command into a single instruction that allows me to enter the 3 pieces of information, puts the link label at the bottom of the file, and leaves the caret back at the [id].
-- Dr. Drang