First of all, thanks a lot for this alpha release. The new icon also looks brilliant. Now couple of problem reports (I do not want to call them bugs, as it may be know issues that have to be just finished).
• Turning on soft wrap does not make horizontal scroll disappear instantly. It does disappear after few scrolls though. • Soft wrap sometimes mysteriously turns off after a while. • Show Invisibles and Soft Wrap ON status is forgotten by TM2 after restored and reset to OFF regardless they were ON before. • Show Invisibles does not have tick show enabled in menu (minor issue) • Showing HTML output then dragging the status bar (bar dividing text editor and HTML output) completely down makes it disappear forever without a way to bring it back • Folding C source file with 2000 lines at all levels (via ⌥⌘I) takes really long and lot of CPU (I can provide some test file upon request) • Find in Files output pane tends to scroll a little horizontally, even there's no reason to do so (at least here on Lion)
Now couple of questions: • How to disable wrap marker line at right margin? • Release notes says that Soft Wrap shall respect indentation, but it doesn't? Is it somehow turned via settings or planned for later release? • Release notes says that there's completely new folding system, would it be possible then to turn on folding on processor pragmas too? Especially on #ifdef/#if blocks? • Is theme/color management UI planned to be restored/implemented in Bundle Editor? • Does TM2 use Cocoa text renderer rather than ATS now? I like how the Markdown editor shows headers, however would it be possible to enlarge headers that are marked with ===== or ----- underlines too? Right now only headers marked with ### prefix are enlarged.
I hope this report will be useful somehow, and once again sorry for loosing my faith in TM2.
Best regards,