On 5. Jan 2007, at 17:14, Nicolas Weber wrote:
i missed your reply until now for some reason, thanks. I'm not quite sure how to do what you suggest, though. My 'runOctave' command is the following,
# just to remind you of some useful environment variables # see Help / Environment Variables for the full list echo File: "$TM_FILEPATH" echo Word: "$TM_CURRENT_WORD" echo Selection: "$TM_SELECTED_TEXT"
echo "<pre>" octave -f -q echo "</pre>"
Should be possible to do:
octave -f -q | pre
pre is a bash function defined in bash_init.sh which will output the <pre> … </pre>, set a few CSS properties to get word wrap but preserve whitespace, escape < and &, and ensure tab expansion (or something along those lines).