The window output is not showing while the script is ran (I'm opening a GL window from the script and this window is displayed). The problem only occurs for my regular account (/Users/rougier) and not for the others (/Users/administrator). This let me think it is a problem on my side, like a forgotten or hidden settings somewhere but I'm bit clueless.
Also, if I change the mode to "Ruby" for example (same script: print "ok"), I get the output. This seems to be very specific to python (version is 2.7.6).
I tried the uncheck/check with no change. (Even tried before to remove/donwload/reinstalli TM with no change as well)
On 09 Apr 2014, at 12:44, Allan Odgaard wrote:
On 9 Apr 2014, at 17:04, Nicolas Rougier wrote:
[…] if I run script directly (Run Script), I get no output.
What does “no output” mean? Is the action a no-op, i.e. no windows showing?
If so, try Preferences → Bundles and uncheck/check the Python bundle.
There is an issue with updating bundles (in current release build) where if TM is terminated while updating a bundle, it can leave a broken bundle on disk (partially deleted), which could manifest itself as some actions being no-op (although deleting ~/Library/Caches should have made deleted actions disappear from the menu).
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