On Tue, Oct 25, at 5:40 AM, Jeroen van der Ham wrote:
This seems pretty cool!
But here's a request for some minimal documentation: What hooks do you use to determine what to display in the code browser? I'd like to use it to navigate LaTeX files as well, if possible...
Eventually I hope to hook into the Syntax Coloring engine, so any language TM knows would work. Currently though I use the "Exuberant CTAGS" [1]. They do not support LaTeX, but if regular expressions don't scare you, you can probably come up with some basic LaTeX support by creating a ~/.ctags file with just the right lines. Here is an example of a real basic and incomplete HTML definition (from before ctags had HTML support):
--langdef=html --langmap=html:.htm.html --regex-html=/<a[ \t]+href[ \t]*=[ \t]*"([^"]+)/\1/HRefs/i --regex-html=/<img[ \t]+src[ \t]*=[ \t]*"([^"]+)/\1/Images/i --regex-html=/<h([1-6])[^>]*>([^<]*)/\2 (\1)/Headers/i
Basically the --langdef line defines the name of the language, the -- langmap line the file extensions. One or more --regex lines then define what to parse out of the file, see the ctags manual [2] for more details. You can try your entries out in a terminal window (replace 'YourSourceFile'):
~/Library/InputManagersManager/TextMate/TmCodeBrowser2.IMMbundle/ Contents/Resources/ctags --fields=Kn --excmd=pattern --sort=no -f - YourSourceFile
Hope that helps!
[1] http://ctags.sourceforge.net/ [2] http://ctags.sourceforge.net/ctags.html