On 25 Feb 2009, at 14:16, Thorsten Hamann wrote:
Hans-Jörg Bibiko schrieb:
By myself, I'm German, I'm using an US-keyboard due to these conflicts and to learn how to type ü or ß is VERY easy. In other words if you use an US/GB keyboard instead make the life (on a Mac) much easier.
wow, just wow. :) [...] if I have to choose between some minor inconvenience in one or two applications [and] having to learn shortcuts for common characters of my native language [...] I'll choose the inconvenience of sometimes having to use the mouse [...]
For those of us working a lot in the shell or writing source code or similar, most European keyboards are a MAJOR inconvenience, hopefully people are not switching keyboard layout just to make ⌘/ easier, but because they type a lot of {, }, [, ], /, , |, etc. The ratio of before mentioned characters and Danish accented characters is probably 1:1,000…