On Oct 18, 2006, at 6:23 PM, Alain Matthes wrote:
I don't understand the first 5-6 lines. lines of what ???
The first 5-6 lines of the command code. If you look at the command you pasted, it is not the same as what I pasted, which had this as its third line:
filename = Pathname.new(ENV['TM_DROPPED_FILE']).realpath
As opposed to:
filename = Pathname.new(ENV['TM_DROPPED_FILE'])
If you make that change, the command should start working. Alternatively, since you have the LaTeX bundle on subversion, you can just update that, I committed a fix for this problem on October 15th, in fact there were some emails on this list about it then. (http:// blog.gmane.org/gmane.editors.textmate.general/day=20061015)