On Mar 14, 2008, at 7:58 AM, Johannes Beigel wrote:
Would it be possible to have something like flymake (http://flymake.sourceforge.net/ ) for TextMate?
If it's not currently possible to build such a feature as bundle, could it be possible in TextMate 2?
Maybe someone has already thought about this and could post some conclusions/reasons/show-stoppers to the list. I was a bit surprised that searching for "flymake" in the list archives and the wiki didn't yield any results.
Of course, "flymate" comes to mind as a the natural name for such a functionality. :-)
I'm not exactly sure what all flymake does… But a number of bundles have validation commands. It might be possible to better tie those validation commands into the workflow of coding.
Exactly what features are you most interested? If we boil it down to core functionality we might have a better idea of what's possible in the current version.
—Thomas Aylott – subtleGradient—