On 6 Mar 2007, at 17:58, tlm wrote:
The first thing I learn about working with TextMate is that to open a file I need to use a GUI.
$ mate filename
Fine, let's use the mouse. I open an HTML file and a JavaScript file. Now I have TWO windows open. Good grief... Let's see, in my typical coding session I work on at least a dozen buffers at any one time. So I suppose that, if I were using TextMate as my text editor, I'd have to wade through at least a dozen windows cluttering my desktop... Strike 2.
Drag the containing folder to the TM icon or create a project or
$ mate somedir
(If so my only remaining misgiving would be regarding the supreme lack of customer awareness responsible for not having these hypothetical customizations as standard-out-of-the-box in the first place.)
Sorry, you're talking absolute rubbish so far. I can't really be bothered to read about your other 'discoveries'.