I'm working on a custom Textpattern installation and my client has entered a massive amount of text data in certain fields using UPPERCASE. He wants the text displayed in Title Case instead, and he doesn’t want to manually change it. I can easily use the style declaration "text-transform: capitalize;" for these elements, but my client would very much prefer formal title case in which words such as “the,” “of,” “and,” and “for” are not capitalized. (I see that Textmate’s "Convert to Titlecase" command in the "Text" menu does this correctly.)
I have made a mysql dump of the database, but I'm not sure how to isolate the appropriate data for a text transformation. Here is how each individual record is formatted in the database:
(91,'2008-08-03 05:20:57','author-username','2008-08-03 05:26:33','','UPPERCASE DATA','','','','','','','UPPERCASE-DATA','', 0,'Comment',0,4,1,1,'section-name','','lowercase-data','lowercase- data','','','','','','','','','','','UPPERCASE DATA','','lowercase- data','3p344629nn178n874sp2s222s0q3n072','2008-08-03')
The mysql dump also contains uppercase terms such as "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS" and lowercase terms like "datetime" and "varchar" that I _don't_ want changed. Is there a simple way to target just the UPPERCASE DATA fields enclosed in single quotes for a massive "Covert to Titlecase"?
My suggestion would be to write a script that pipes the offending fields through John Gruber's TitleCase.pl script and updates the table.
He has posted it here: http://daringfireball.net/2008/05/title_case