On 04/03/2012, at 23.55, Marco Arment wrote:
(Sorry if this is the wrong place for this: http://wiki.macromates.com/Main/BugReporting says to try the ticket system first, but the ticket system is not accepting new tickets. I guess that's a separate bug report.)
The ticket system was for 1.x and has since been closed with the links from the Contact page removed — wiki hasn’t been updated, mainly because I want to decommission it, so haven’t been fixing outdated pages (of which there are a few).
[…] HTML Output pane […] can be dragged down past the bottom edge of the window […]
Right, the layout view used for the various splits (of which the HTML output is one) is presently not constrained; ideally I want to use Lion’s new constraint-based layout system instead of writing my own code for this, but it requires dropping 10.6 compatibility, which we’re slowly building up the courage to do… :)