On May 10, 2007, at 06:35, Édouard Gilbert wrote:
Apparently he did .. if you look at the last comment on that thread (from Andrea) he writes:
""" It works. Thanks for the great speed, and for the quality of the software. I am seriously thinking about declaring PDFView "dead" and Skim as the "successor"; I'll just wait for some more LaTeX support (and maybe I'll try to help a bit with writing it).
Again, thanks.
That would be great. If I'm right, PDFViewer was on it's way to include TeXShop Spotlight-based source/PDF sync,
Just to be clear, TeXShop's alternate syncing is based on PDFKit, and has nothing to do with Spotlight AFAIK.
and I'd like to get rid of pdfsync. That function included in Skm would be even better.
Why? If I recall correctly, one advantage of pdfsync is that it is more robust with equations and figures. Be sure you have the most recent version of the package from CTAN, though, as it has a number of fixes.