I'm a little perplexed by this because I've searched the list and can't find anyone else having this problem, so I'm starting to wonder if it's just happening to me for some reason.
In the default W3C Validation command for HTML, which uses "Show as HTML" for output, the perl filter leaves off the url part of the txmt URL, which causes the frontmost TextMate window to be used as the target rather than finding an explicit file. The problem is that whenever you use that command (or I assume any command with HTML output), the HTML output window *is* the frontmost window and so a txmt URL without the file specified can't work.
Isn't anyone else seeing this?
It seems to me that the only way for this to work would be if the output window wasn't counted when looking for the frontmost window. Is that possible?
I've fixed this problem for myself by changing the W3C validation command to:
,----- curl 2>/dev/null -F uploaded_file=@/dev/stdin;type=text/html http://validator.w3.org/check \ | perl -pe 's#(Line (\d+), column (\d+))#<a href="txmt:\/\/open?url=file://$ENV{TM_FILEPATH}&line=$2&column=@{[$3 + 1]}">$1</a>#' `-----
...but I'm intrigued that no one else is reporting this problem. Does this not happen for others?
Thanks much.