One reason TextMate should support Skim out of the box is that there is evidence that development of PDFView may halt. On the Sourceforge tracker, Andrea Bergia, PDFView’s developer, writes:[1]
Hello, I am the developer of PDFView, an application which seems superseded by your wonderful Skim in many regards. I actually plan to use it as my default PDF reader…
Best, Mark
Didn't he even think about joining or even joined the ppl developing Skim?
Apparently he did .. if you look at the last comment on that thread (from Andrea) he writes:
""" It works. Thanks for the great speed, and for the quality of the software. I am seriously thinking about declaring PDFView "dead" and Skim as the "successor"; I'll just wait for some more LaTeX support (and maybe I'll try to help a bit with writing it).
Again, thanks. """
as well as offering to whip up an Italian localization ...