Hello, I've done some experiments with double clicks between words and it seems inconsistent and not very useful compared to BBEdit. I've been trying to switch from BBEdit in all cases but am finding it sometimes difficult and extra work and clicks.
When I double click between two words:
Series of spaces get selected - correct One tab - selects the word before the tab instead of the tab - wrong Series of tabs - selects the tabs - correct Series of spaces framed by words with single quote or double quote - selects the spaces and the quotes - wrong Series of tabs framed by words with single quote or double quote - selects the tabs and the quotes - wrong Series of spaces framed by words with $ - selects the spaces and the $ - very wrong, really messes up perl Series of tabs framed by words with $ - selects the tabs and the $ - very wrong, really messes up perl
Why would it try to remove the $ in front of variables when all I wanted to do was remove the spaces or change them to tabs?
In all cases it seems the invisible space between the words should be selected, but nothing else.
Thoughts anyone?
Thanks, ml