All of a sudden I have *.pyc files showing up in my project drawer. I have not changed any textmate config files or application versions.
I am using 2.0_b10, but have also tested 2.0_rc4.
I have also restarted my computer. I am using OSX 10.12.3.
I am using the default config values for inclusion and exclusion:
*/Applications/*exclude = "{*.{o,pyc},Icon\r,CVS,_darcs,_MTN,{arch},blib,*~.nib}" include = "{*,.tm_properties,.htaccess}" binary = "{*.{ai,bz2,flv,gif,gz,icns,ico,jpg,jpeg,m4v,nib,o,pdf, png,psd,pyc,rtf,scssc,swf,tar,tbz,tgz,tif,tiff,zip},Icon\r}"